After significant delays for mental competency reviews and changing attorneys, Childs' case went before the 4th District Court in October and, in accordance with a plea deal, she pleaded no contest to a significantly reduced slate of three misdemeanors.
In December 2006, Childs was sentenced by Judge Samuel McVey to a hand slap. She received probation and treatment. Of course, Childs' sentence was contingent on her promising to be good and not do drugs.
As a reminder, the court punished her for alleged sexual abuse of a 5-year-old boy (also reported as six years old). One might say that Childs' sentence was light years removed from having the book thrown at her. Hell, she didn't even have a pamphlet thrown at her.
In the latest development regarding Amber Childs, it appears that she hasn't been fulfilling the requirements of her probation. The Adult Probation and Parole officials reported that "Childs had fallen short in several areas and recommended 30 days in jail." Childs' defense attorney Barbara Gonzales denied the allegations and called for dismissal at a future hearing.
"No," said Judge Samuel McVey. "If she's not complying with sex-offender treatment I want to know."This whole scenario provides some evidence that hand slaps imposed by the court are ineffective. Childs promised to be good. [Annoying buzzer] Childs promised not to do drugs. [Annoying buzzer]
Childs also denied that she's failing to pay her fines.
"She's behind, but she's paying," Gonzales said.
However, Childs admitted several things, including that she had used meth on Nov. 10 and lived at a motel for several days -- a place unapproved by her probation officer.
I'm curious to see what happens next.
[Update 12/18/07]
From Daily Herald:
At an evidentiary hearing on Monday, Judge Samuel McVey ordered 31-year-old Amber Childs to spend 30 days in jail. McVey ordered the sentence after an Adult Probation and Parole official testified that Childs had not progressed in her sex offender treatment program, and had not taken a required polygraph test. McVey also said he was concerned about methamphetamine and opiate use by Childs.Judge McVey denied a request that Childs do her time after Christmas.
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