Saturday, January 19, 2008

Born in the Toilet

(Norway) Here's a strange story. It's reported that 23 years ago a 17-year-old girl named Brita surprisingly gave birth to a son in the toilet.

Brita thought she had an upset stomach but, instead, she was unknowingly pregnant.

Somehow the birth was discovered by the media and became front page news throughout the nation with the headline "Gave Birth to Son in the Loo." Imagine the teasing the boy was destined for.

Well, the story doesn't end there. It seems that the boy, now 23-year-old Robert Midtrud, who started in the toilet, recently completed requirements to become a plumber. What irony?

And to celebrate receiving a plumber's diploma, the editor of the newspaper that heralded the birth gave Robert a copy of the front page at a ceremony (pic) in Robert's home as mom, Brita Midtrud Moller, looked on.

Tip: Barry (providing translation)

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