Rightfully, opponents are pissed, calling the card "a tasteless rewriting of history" and demanding a halt to its distribution.
The image of Anne Frank with the keffiyeh (the kind of scarf once worn by Yasser Arafat) already existed before the card was made. The artist, who calls himself 'T', 'distributed' the image in the form of graffiti on a number of walls in Amsterdam.So, admittedly it's graffiti and, according to Israel's Ambassador to the Netherlands, Harry Kney Tal, outrageously offensive.
"Anne Frank is an icon of Dutch history. She was killed because she was Jewish. The artist has used this icon and transferred it to the political struggle between Israeli and Palestinians. It's an outrage, I have no other words to describe it."A solution to this controversy has, however, already been suggested. Postcards displaying the Prophet Mohammad wearing a Jewish yarmulka should now be distributed.
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