However, Judge Joe McGraw ruled otherwise.
“Sending her to prison isn’t going to restore him to the boy he was before this happened,” McGraw said in court while detailing the factors in his decision, which included a sex offender evaluation that said recidivism was unlikely.In addition to probation, Leoni was also ordered to counseling and registration as a sex offender for the rest of her life.
The punishment will prevent Leoni from ever teaching again. When she has children, she won’t be able to drop her kids off at school or coach her kid’s Little League team, said Leoni’s attorney, Michael Fleming, during closing arguments before McGraw’s decision.
Illinois Teacher Guilty of Sex Abuse of Boy - Updated
[Previous 3/19/09]
(Rockford, Illinois) Twenty-five-year-old English teacher and girls volleyball coach at Belvidere High School, Loren Leoni, pleaded guilty before Judge Joe McGraw yesterday to aggravated sexual abuse of a 15-year-old male student in December 2007.
Leoni faces a possible seven years in prison when she is sentenced on May 8th. She will also be ordered to register as a sex offender for the rest of her life.
Leoni stopped working at Belvidere High School after the 2007-08 winter break. The circumstances under which her employment ceased have not been disclosed.
English Teacher Accused of Sex with Boy
[Previous 2/1/08 post]
(Belvidere, Illinois) A 24-year-old English teacher and girls volleyball coach at Belvidere High School, Loren Leoni, has been charged with sex crimes for the alleged inappropriate touching of a 15-year-old male student.
Leoni faces counts of criminal sexual assault and aggravated criminal sexual abuse.
Bond is set at 50-thousand dollars. Winnebago County State's Attorney Phil Nicolosi says usually crimes with these charges have bond set at ten-thousand dollars. But since Leoni has family from outside the area, he wants to make sure she won't be a flight risk.Somebody needs to tell Leoni that there is a warrant out for her arrest.
Nicolosi says he doesn't think Leoni has skipped town. She did grow up in Schaumburg, so police are looking for her around that area. Nicolosi also says he thinks Leoni just doesn't know about these charges or the warrant out for her arrest.
Leoni's status with the school system is indeterminate. Interestingly, she hasn't been seen at school since the last week in December.
[Update 02/05/08]
Leoni surrendered to authorities on Sunday and was later released on bond. She has a court appearance scheduled for Friday (2/8/08).
[Update 02/28/08]
Leoni pleaded not guilty today to charges of criminal sexual assault and aggravated criminal sexual abuse. A court appearance has been scheduled for March 20.
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