Saturday, February 02, 2008

Geraldo Backs Immigrants from Spain?

Over the years, Geraldo Rivera has achieved tremendous success through ambition and ego. However, when the subject is journalistic substance, Geraldo has largely positioned himself somewhere between a house of cards and a roll of the dice. You just don't know what is going to come out of his mouth.

Here's a nugget from yesterday which Geraldo called his litmus test on voting.
"Any Spanish person who votes for an anti-immigration extremist is an Uncle Tom."
The anti-immigration extremists Geraldo defined as Lou Dobbs, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, talk radio, and so on.

Now some might say, "Hey, Mike, you know what he means." But that's not true. I can only go by what he says. If I were to interpret Geraldo's thinking, I'd say he wants the rule of law to be completely ignored and the United States to have no borders. Geraldo might disagree with my interpretation of his words.

Overwhelmingly, Spanish people live in Spain and, interestingly, Spain has significant difficulties keeping North African illegals from barreling onto the Iberian Peninsula. Spain's national security concerns (remember the Madrid bombings?) demand vigilance in keeping North Africans from entering the country willy-nilly. The Spanish electorate supports the policy so, according to Geraldo, the Spanish voters are Uncle Toms.

Once again, some will tell me that's not what Geraldo meant. Fine and maybe so, but that's what he said and it's just another example of a guy whose mouth is so overworked by his ubiquitous presence in the media that there is scant time to engage his brain.

Another thing, right after Geraldo named talk radio a bunch of anti-immigration extremists, he said he doesn't believe in name-calling. Now that's just dumb. People who oppose Geraldo's views on open borders are not against immigration, they are against foreign nationals entering the country without permission. That's not extreme, that is the law. Whether Mexicans, Lithuanians, Iranians, Mongolians or Spanish people, illegal foreign nationals shouldn't be in the country. Furthermore, and contrary to Geraldo's words, most Americans support that position.

Lastly, despite Geraldo's sanctimoniously saying he doesn't believe in name-calling (immediately after calling people names), I believe a well-crafted zinger is more than appropriate on occasion. The one I've selected for Geraldo is "Here's Waldo!"

Tip: Digger

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