Saturday, February 16, 2008

Illinois Woman Accused of Sex with Boy

(Joliet, Illinois) A 23-year-old donut shop worker, Mydee F. Cadiente, was arrested last week for allegedly engaging in sex with a 16-year-old boy. Police were alerted to the alleged offense by the boy's parents.
Cadiente allegedly worked with the teenager at a Shorewood coffee shop, police said.

"This is not the usual case," said Shorewood Police Chief Robert Puleo. "With criminal sexual abuse, the usual case is the male is the older party. This time, with this alleged crime, the female is the older party. We've got to make sure there's no double standard here."

Cadiente and the boy were allegedly seeing each other for several months, Puleo said.
Cadiente was booked into custody at the Will County Jail with bail set at $25,000. If convicted, Cadiente faces a term of three to seven years in prison.

Tip: SuidaeEmpathy

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