Sunday, March 02, 2008

Call for Bush, Cheney Arrests As War Criminals

(Kennebunkport, Maine) A independent political candidate for the U.S. Senate, Laurie Dobson, held a press conference on the steps of city hall and called for the Board of Selectmen to adopt an indictment ordinance which would allow the arrest of President Bush and Vice President Cheney on war crimes.

Dobson wants an ordinance drafted and ready to put on the ballot in June.
"Five years ago, I wrote the local paper and said that 'G.W. Bush is driving the world under the intoxicated influence of his power-mad buddies and their dreams of world empire,' " she told the assembled crowd. "Nothing has changed since then, except that we are now paying the price for his failures and we will be paying for a long time to come."

Noting that "alleged war criminals occasionally exist in our town," Dobson said she wanted the town to take steps to bring them to justice since federal officials, including members of Congress, have failed to do so thus far.

"Fifty-one percent of Americans support impeachment," Dobson said. If impeachment doesn't happen, though, she said arresting Bush and Cheney -- after they leave office -- would be the "patriotic" thing to do.
Chairman Lanigan of the Board of Selectmen said Dobson's matter would be taken under advisement but made it clear there would be no indictment. If the board doesn't act, however, Dobson promised a petition effort to gather enough signatures for a referendum on the ballot.

Frankly, it's virtually impossible to believe that the leftists have the best interests of the American people in mind when they come up with initiatives like town ordinances to arrest the President of the United States.

On the other hand, it's not only possible but swimmingly logical that leftists suffer from some sort of mental deficiency. Why else would the words of presumably rational American citizens sound like they were drafted in Tehran, Pyongyang, Venezuela or a cave in Pakistan?

Furthermore, it's worthy to note that Laurie Dobson, according to her website, is warm and chummy with the Code Pink crowd and she is quite close with Michigan Congressman John Conyers. And, surprising nobody, she spends her time fasting and camping outside the Bush family residence in Kennebunkport.

It will be interesting to see how many Maine voters cast ballots for Dobson to become a U.S. Senator. There won't be many if the CampaignMoney website is any indicator. Dobson has raised $0.00 for her 2008 campaign thus far.

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