Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Foster Mom Accused of Sex with Foster Son

(Stafford, Virginia) Last month, a 33-year-old drug court therapist, Suzanne Ibsen Collares, was indicted for engaging in sexual relations with her teenage foster son.

Collares was charged with 10 counts of statutory rape and 10 counts of taking indecent liberties with a child. She was booked into custody at the Rappahannock Regional Jail without bond.

Reportedly, the boy was in middle school when the alleged sex began.
Details about the incidents are scarce, but the indictments show that the sex acts were alleged to have occurred between March of 2005 and August of last year at Collares’ Argyle Hills home, where she lived or lives with her husband in southern Stafford.

Olsen said the boy, who no longer lives with Collares, reported the allegation to authorities.
Yesterday, a Stafford Circuit Court judge reversed an earlier decision and granted bond of $25,000 to Collares. She was originally denied bond due to erroneous information given to the judge that she had other crimes pending litigation.

Collares' trial is scheduled for June 12.


justice for all said...
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justice for all said...
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justice for all said...

Its a shame this woman is loved lo much but she herself doesnt know what love is.


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