Monday, April 21, 2008

Jim Gilchrist Files Defamation Suits Against His Own

This report is disturbing. James Gilchrist, the founder of the anti-illegal alien Minuteman Project, has filed defamation lawsuits against 100 of the people he organized to stop illegals, claiming that they have said bad things about him and damaged his reputation.

The truth is that Gilchrist has acted contrary to the beliefs of most people in the Minuteman Project and he has been questioned about his apparent departure from the fold. For example, Gilchrist came out and endorsed Mike Huckabee for President when everyone can see that Huckabee's record is pro-illegal alien.

Naturally, border enforcement advocates were jolted and immediately asked Gilchrist what he was thinking. In response, Gilchrist sent emails dripping with hate and accusations of treason.

And now, the first few in a series of 100 summons have been sent out.
On April 16, 2008 the first of the summons for the lawsuits were received by Brook Young of Immigration Watchdog, Chelene Nightingale of Save Our State, Barbara Coe of CCIR, Minuteman Project Treasurer Deborah Courtney, and Minuteman Project President Marvin Stewart.
I suspect that Gilchrist was probably a charlatan all along, willing to grab hold of anything that might shoot a few bucks his way. From an ideological perspective, people don't make changes as radical as Gilchrist apparently has when they possess integrity and a firm ethical foundation - qualities absent in a shifty huckster.

Follow the link for much more on the story. Help with legal representation for the respondents would also be appreciated.

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