Friday, April 18, 2008

Urine and Blood Planned for Democrat Convention

Word has it that radical peace (?) groups are planning to create monumental tumult during the August Democrat National Convention in Denver.

The goal is a media-frenzied series of public disturbances similar to the disorder which occurred in the 1968 Chicago Democrat Convention. However, the current plan is more extreme. They plan to throw bags of urine and blood on cops at the DNC protests. Pretty disgusting, eh?

Under the name ReCreate 68 and led by Ward Churchill supporter, Glenn Spagnuolo, the group wants to choreograph the actions of various anti-American, anti-capitalist and socialist throngs such as Code Pink, Food Not Bombs, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Green Peace, Scholars for Peace and Justice, and other radical festerings.

ReCreate 68,, bills itself as the place for grassroots people who have been sold out by the Democrats. Members meet every Thursday at the Gypsy House Cafe in Denver.

Law enforcement and area hospitals have been given a heads up to prepare for violence, terrorism and possible mass riots.

Tip: Stable Hand

Also: Jawa Report

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