Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cloned Drug-Sniffing Dogs

(Seoul, Korea) Six Labrador Retriever puppies, cloned from an accomplished drug-sniffer named Chase, have started their training to become drug-sniffers for the Korean Customs Service. Although the puppies were carried by three different surrogate bitches, they look identical.

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Called Toppies (for "tomorrow's puppy") and numbered to tell them apart, the dogs are expected to have the behavioral and genetic qualities to make good drug-sniffers after training.
The cloning project was carried out by a team of Seoul National University veterinarians led by Lee Byeong-chun -- a member of the disgraced cloning expert Hwang Woo-suk’s team, who was believed to have invented the method.
The cloning project was funded by a federal grant to the university. If the Korean Customs Service wants possession of the dogs, it will have to pay about $70,000 each.

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