Friday, May 16, 2008

Taliban Rocket Bounces Off Brit Officer

Last Saturday, a 30-year-old British officer, Lt. David Robertson of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, was hit in the chest by a Taliban rocket and survived.

It happened as Lt. Robertson's company crested a hill during an advance on a Taliban position.

Several RPGs fired and one ricocheted off the Lt.'s body armor and detonated against his armored vehicle.
"I didn't get my life flashing in front of me but it did slow down.

"The thing split into three parts - it coming towards me, it hitting me and bouncing off and then detonating.

"It must have just skiffed off me and went to my left and detonated on the fully open gunners hatch.

"I was knocked backwards I hit the back of the turret pretty hard.

"I remember a big bang and a heat wave and then felt burning in my arm and side."
Lt. Robertson received only minor injuries. Lucky guy.

H/T - G. Mehr

Also: The Jawa Report

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