As a result, Hatcher is now in the middle of divorce proceedings while the 16-year-old foster child has run away, disappeared onto the streets. Attempts to find him are hindered by the fact that he's a victim of sexual abuse and his identity must be kept confidential.
Butler County Children Services, who has legal custody of the boy, has hired a private investigator to find him.
Hatcher was booked into custody at the Warren County Jail and released on $30,000 bond.
[Update 07/16/08]
According to the Dayton Daily News, the boy was found safe at his grandparents' home in Middletown on Tuesday. Also, Warren County Prosecutor Rachel Hutzel remarked that Hatcher believed she was in love with the boy.
[Update 9/17/08]
Carolynn Hatcher pleaded guilty today to three counts of sexual battery in Warren County Common Pleas Court. Sentencing has been scheduled for November 5th.
[Update 11/5/08]
Hatcher sentenced to prison.
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