Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saudi Woman Arrested for Driving

(Jeddah, Saudi Arabia) A 23-year-old woman was arrested this week for driving a car, a violation of Saudi law.
According to Al-Hayat and Al-Watan reports the woman was arrested and taken to the Al-Shimaliyah Police Station where her guardian was summoned for her release.

Jeddah Police Spokesman Col. Misfir Al-Je’aid told Al-Madina, that the girl was spotted by police driving in the Al-Azizia district where she was stopped and taken into custody.
It's unknown what punishment the woman will receive. It's also unknown why a 23-year-old adult woman would have a guardian, however, another source says that the woman was released after her parents paid bail.

In any event, the question of whether adult women have or don't have official guardians remains unanswered.

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