Lines formed as people withdrew every possible penny from their accounts.
Maggie Campbell, 28, who works at the petrol station where the Alliance & Leicester machine is situated in Ardrossan, Ayrshire, said she became suspicious when the same customers kept returning and a massive queue began to form in the forecourt.It's reported that an investigation is underway and customers may be contacted by their banks to return the money.
The mum-of-two, from Ardrossan, said: "I have never seen anything like it. It was absolutely packed and everyone was a bit frantic.
"I thought something must be going on when these same guys kept going back to the cash machine and then making loads of calls on their mobiles.
"Within minutes, the place was packed with people and there was a huge queue at the machine.
"Loads of folk were being dropped off in cars and it was causing a traffic jam. I went outside and asked them what was going on but no one would admit to it because they thought I was going to phone the bank.
"After about half an hour, I got a call from the bank informing me that they were closing it down.
"There were a lot of disappointed people."
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