Friday, August 22, 2008

Chinese Athletes Use Stag Penis

The Chinese Olympic team has been using an ages-old diet supplement to enhance performance and it seems to work since China leads in gold medals. Scottish Highland stag penises have been actively sought by Chinese buyers for use by the athletes.
Chinese traders are visiting the Highlands to view the deer - regarded as the most virile in the world - and provide training for Scots game dealers on how to process the sexual organs, known as pizzles, for export. [...]

Pizzles, which are frozen or dried before export, are rich in protein, vitamins, calcium and magnesium and low in cholesterol. They can be eaten, mixed with alcohol, served in soup or dried and made into capsules or a paste.

Pizzles come in four sizes - under 10 inches, 10 to 12 inches the most common size, 12 to 14 inches, and longer than 14 inches, with a circumference of a 50-cent piece.

They are often bought by housewives who boil them with herbs and serve as a soup to their husbands.
According to this source, it's feared that the deer penis may contain banned substances. It's unknown whether the International Olympic Committee has the ability to test for penis in an athlete.

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