Friday, August 08, 2008

CNN's Selective Reporting

A case of selective reporting by the mainstream media (MSM) has angered many liberals. CNN reported that a man threatened to kill Barack Obama and liberal readers got pissed off at conservatives for fomenting the racial hatred assumed to prompt the threat.

Unknown to the liberal readers and others, however, was the fact that the man making the threat against Obama also made a concurrent threat against President Bush. The suspect said he wanted to kill Obama and put a bullet in Bush's head.

Intentionally or through negligence, the MSM failed to report the threat against President Bush thereby accounting for the anger among the liberal readers. All they read was that there was a threat against Obama and assumed it was a right-wing nutjob.

Sadly, it's not out of the realm of reason to envision an enraged Obama supporter committing a violent act against a conservative because of the CNN report.

Personally, I think the omission was intentional. Arguably, the MSM long ago abandoned objectivity and, to varying degrees, they have become leftist political house organs.

Tip: Howie

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