Thursday, August 14, 2008

Junk Food Causes Bad Behavior

(London, England) According to a study by the University of London Institute of Education, children who eat junk food are the naughtiest and worst students. Data from 14,000 children were examined to derive the finding.
It found that those on a junk food diet aged three were less likely to achieve the expected levels of improvement between six and ten.

Dr Pauline Emmett, a nutritionist from the University of Bristol, said: "We are confident that this is a robust association.

"It indicates that early eating patterns have effects that persist over time, regardless of later changes in diet. So it is very important for children to eat a well-balanced diet from an early age if they are to get the best out of their education."
So, since burgers and fries are the cause of unruliness and poor performance by students, there is now adequate justification for the nanny-staters to impose dramatic increases in taxes on fast food or an alternative intrusive remedy.

After all, academics have concluded that the general public is denying children their required nutrition, therefore, government intervention will be necessary. Naturally, it would be for the sake of the children.

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