Saturday, September 13, 2008

Democrats Control Ohio's Voting Machines

Anyone who believes that there is little substance to accusations of voter fraud in the United States likely owns or is a prospective buyer of fetid swamp land. Prudent observers of American politics, however, know that party operatives will take advantage of every conceivable opportunity to rig an election. With those assertions in mind, consider the following quotes.

Presidential Candidate Barack Obama
"Well, I tell you what, it helps in Ohio that we've got Democrats in charge of the machines."
Ohio GOP Chairman Robert Bennett
"That may be how you win elections back in Chicago, but Ohioans tend to frown upon the idea of massive voter fraud, especially when it's floated by a presidential candidate."
Whether Obama is floating the idea or strongly hinting about what he expects is up to the reader.

From my perspective, if the Cleveland Indians were in the World Series with the Cincinnati Reds and the umpires were members of the Cincinnati team, I'd put all my money on the Reds. Obviously, I think the current system for oversight of elections has inherent flaws.

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