(United Kingdom) Starting in November, Britain's newest identity card will be issued to foreign citizens. The new card is pink and blue and covered with European Union symbols while displaying no British symbols.

To get a job and welfare state services, foreigners will need the card. It contains a biometric symbol, a digitized photo, personal data, security features and a microchip storing personal data and fingerprints. As many as 60,000 cards will be issued by March.
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith believes the cards will protect against illegal aliens and identity fraud. Critics say that the current card scheme is a pilot project intended to acclimate all British citizens to the idea of having a national ID card crammed down their throats from 2011 on.
In any event, since the card displays a unicorn and a powder-blue and boudoir-pink color scheme, I could easily believe it was designed in a lingerie shop.
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