Monday, September 15, 2008

Regarding Obama's "Can't Email" Ad Attacking McCain

I don't believe that the Obama campaign was unaware of John McCain's physical limitations. They knew he didn't use computers and they knew why, I think. Frankly, they were simply going for the sound bite. It's short and meaningful to the young, Internet-savvy voters that Obama wants energized to go to the polls.

The sound bite was more powerful than any followup refutation and the disproof wouldn't be heard.

The fact that they were demeaning McCain based upon disability was weighed against the upside of getting more voters to the polls. With the mainstream media backing them up, I believe the Dems figured they would get away with the stunt.

Interestingly, Tom Blumer at BizzyBlog notes that John McCain was a pathfinder at harnessing the Internet for election campaigns contrary to the Obama campaign team's disgusting portrayal of McCain as a computer-illiterate dunce.

Not a lot of class coming from the Obama team, eh?

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