(London, England) The British Humanist Association (BHA) has raised money to place atheist ads on and inside London's buses. Prominent leader in the atheist faith, Professor Richard Dawkin, is contributing a matching £5,500 donation and BHA has now raised more than £20,300 of its own accord.

Bus with atheist slogan
BHA plans to purchase advertising on dozens of bendy-buses for four weeks.
The BHA is also considering extending the campaign to cities including Birmingham, Manchester and Edinburgh.Faith is faith whether one believes in a God or not. Therefore, missionary work by the followers of atheism should be expected. And don't believe the part about religious people not thinking. Believe instead that intentionally insulting most of humankind is arrogant and disrespectful.
The complete slogan reads: 'There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.'
Professor Dawkins said: 'Religion is accustomed to getting a free ride - automatic tax breaks, unearned respect and the right not to be offended, the right to brainwash children.
'Even on the buses, nobody thinks twice when they see a religious slogan plastered across the side.
'This campaign to put alternative slogans on London buses will make people think - and thinking is anathema to religion.'
It's one thing to disagree with your neighbor and make your points. It's an entirely different thing to call your neighbor a moron.
Companion post at The Jawa Report.
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