Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Let’s Never Find Out: Part 3 -- Punished

Let's Never Find Out Series:
Part 1 - The Mortgage Meltdown and Obama

Part 2 - Drill, Baby, Drill

Here's Part 3 from Pro Ecclesia:


NOTE: The videos are from, a project of Let Freedom Ring.

Post is part of the HOPE ON Project (Help Ohio Prevent Electing Obama Now).


Video — “Punished with a Baby” (direct YouTube link is here):

WOMAN: Senator Obama, I’m afraid. In March, you told America:

OBAMA: “I’ve got two daughters. If they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

WOMAN: Punished. I’m afraid because I’m a mother and I can’t imagine what this country would become if its President could look upon a baby as a punishment. And I’m afraid, because those children that you spoke of as a punishment would be your very own grandchildren.

ANNOUNCER: What happens when we elect a President who has disregard for human life? Please, America, let’s never find out.


At Pro Ecclesia, a thoughtful and, I believe, convincing discussion of the topic is provided with a focus on Obama's documented statements, decisions and attitudes regarding children as punishment. Go visit.

My take? It is hard to dispute the contention that leftists consider human life as tolerable only when convenient. Bothersome lives are expendable.

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