For decades, Bob Hope traveled to war zones with the USO to entertain American and allied troops. Each time, he took along and showed beautiful women to, in Hope's words, "remind you what you're fighting for."
In that spirit, I provide those service members who read my blog with this reminder.

The Girl Next Door - Jessica Alba
I'm forever thankful for being born an American and the individual freedom it represents. The American military is to be thanked for defending that freedom. I toast those defenders of liberty.
In a similar vein, a fellow Internet-user has published a series of images of "Girls We're Thankful Aren't Puritans." Based on my purely academic review, the 16 women probably wouldn't deny their steamy sensuality.
Changing tone, I'd like to call out to all those people whose entire lives are a series of complaints. You know who you are. Instead of saying the turkey is too dry or Uncle Frisky is drinking too much or football is too boring or the kids are too loud, make Thanksgiving the one day in the year without complaints. Remember, you've got 364 other days, every year, to piss and moan. Make Thanksgiving something special and don't complain.
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