Friday, December 12, 2008

Cholera in Zimbabwe

(Harare, Zimbabwe) President Robert Mugabe claimed that the cholera outbreak in his nation is over. Of course, being a socialist thug, Mugabe probably has no comment on this report.
A ferocious cholera epidemic, spread by water contaminated with human excrement, has stricken more than 16,000 people across Zimbabwe since August and killed more than 780. President Robert G. Mugabe said Thursday that the epidemic had ended, but health experts are warning that the number of cases could surpass 60,000, and that half the country’s population of 12 million is at risk.

The outbreak is yet more evidence that Zimbabwe’s most fundamental public services -- including water and sanitation, public schools and hospitals -- are shutting down, much like the organs of a severely dehydrated cholera victim.
Wherever thug socialism is tried, people die.

By the way, inflation in Zimbabwe is now estimated to be "an astounding eight quintillion percent." That's 18 zeroes after the eight.

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