Friday, December 12, 2008

Fox Urine Squirted

(Willmar, Minnesota) A 50-year-old local man, Scott Wagar, decided to protect his property from mischievous young vandals who repeatedly toilet-papered and egged his house. Wearing night-vision goggles and armed with a squirt gun filled with one-third fox urine and two-thirds water, Wagar guarded his property.

When the interlopers came, Wagar sprayed them with the smelly fox urine.

Wagar was charged with assault. He pleaded not guilty Wednesday in Kandiyohi County District Court and was released on his own recognizance.

Apparently, Wagar's vandals were not charged.

Since a gun was used in protecting one's property, why doesn't the Castle Doctrine apply? I don't know.

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