Thursday, December 18, 2008

Young Lesbians - High Risk of Pregnancy

(Vancouver, British Columbia) A study performed by the University of British Columbia has found that lesbians and bisexual youth are as much as seven times more likely to get pregnant than straight people.
The surprising findings were published in the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. The data used for the research were gathered from adolescent health surveys done in B.C. schools in 1992, 1998, and 2003.

The heightened risk is explained by several factors, including an attempt among closeted gay, lesbian and bisexual teens to prove they are heterosexual to avoid harassment and discrimination.

“For some gay, lesbian and bisexual teens it’s camouflage,” said Elizabeth Saewyc, lead author of the study and an associate professor at the University of B.C.’s school of nursing, “because it’s still pretty stigmatized and they still face a lot of harassment at school.”
I'm skeptical of this research because it appears to ignore whether the pregnancies were intentional or unintentional. It also doesn't seem to be focused on an intended goal, i.e. to prove or verify something.

However, the data associated with unintentional lesbian pregnancies could possibly be useful in identifying the target group for asking the question, "Hey, are you stupid?" Other than that, I'm flummoxed as to the reason for the research.

On second thought, maybe the research is intended to be used as justification for government funding of a targeted lesbian birth control program.

Tip: slwlion

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