Thursday, January 08, 2009

Pro-Rocket vs. Anti-Rocket

There appears to be a significant level of confusion regarding the current conflict in the Gaza Strip. I'd suggest that part of the confusion arises from the fact that many people are unaware of what the Gaza Strip is much less where it is.

A salient level of ignorance can only be attributed to incompetence in educational systems and the marionette mainstream media, both of which frequently ignore reporting facts and, instead, take sides and report opinion.

Therefore, I believe it's worthwhile to simply explain exactly what the two competing sides in the Gaza conflict actually disagree about. Notably, hundreds of millions of people support each viewpoint.
Viewpoint A
Held by people who believe that launching rockets into neighboring communities is an acceptable nuisance which must be tolerated. Any forceful armed action to stop the rocket launching is considered disproportionate and unjustified.
Viewpoint B
Held by people who believe that launching rockets into neighboring communities is an act of terrorism which frequently results in property damage, injury and death. Armed action is a justifiable defense to stop the rocket launches.
Given the substance of the conflict in Gaza, it's difficult to understand how any rational mentality could support Viewpoint A. Yet, many putatively rational beings apparently do support having rockets lobbed in their, or others, neighborhoods.

For example, the UN, virtually all Arab countries, France, Indonesia, Hugo Chavez, at least half of Africa, the United Methodist Church, plus many others support Viewpoint A, the practice of launching rockets with impunity.

Ironically, some Viewpoint A believers also believe that what goes around, comes around, indicating that perhaps the Viewpoint A believers will someday be on the receiving end of indiscriminate rocket launches into their homes. Hopefully, not.

Now, I'm not naive enough to disregard the complexities of the Gaza controversy. They are numerous and have little, if anything, to do with the actual current conflict. Realistically, any time the marionette mainstream media are listening, as in an armed incursion, it's seen as an opportunity to empty festering ditty bags full of bitches and complaints. And that's what the marionette media report to the public, a mish-mash of grievances. Therein comes the confusion.

I recommend that people just ignore the complexities when assessing the current controversy. It's all about one community launching thousands of rockets at the homes and businesses of an adjacent community and the adjacent community is using force to try to stop the rockets.

In conclusion, readers can make up their own minds. Just remember the nuts and bolts of the situation and decide. Are you pro-rocket or anti-rocket?

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