Monday, January 19, 2009

Women's Protest Rally Blocked by Sharia Police

(Kano, Nigeria) The local Sharia Police, or Hisbah, has forced the cancellation of a protest planned by divorced women who complain that they are being forced from their homes, losing their children and becoming destitute.
The Director General of the Hisbah, Saidu Dukawa, said there were also security concerns over the protest.

"We fear what could happen in the streets if there is a large gathering of people, it could get out of control," he told the BBC's Hausa Service.

Large gatherings of people can be volatile in Nigeria, which has been rocked by violence between Muslims and Christians over the last 10 years. [...]

He also said the idea of street protests were "un-Islamic", and "morally wrong".

Apparently Mr. Dukawa didn't get the memo from peebah. Protesting is pretty much all that the radical Muslims do when they are not stoning or beheading people.

Even so, I find it hard to believe that a person is unaware of the worldwide cartoon protests, the daily car burnings by European Muslim youth or the widespread street protests of the Israeli offensive in Gaza. Obviously, Mr. Dukawa is blowing smoke.

I know it's called taqqiya when Muslims lie to infidels but when they lie to fellow Muslims, I believe it's called business as usual.

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