Monday, February 16, 2009

Castration of Rapists Proposed

(Rome, Italy) In order to deter vigilantism, the Italian Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni, has proposed that rapists be chemically castrated. The proposal comes on the heels of a recent episode where Italian youths went on a rampage against several alleged rapists.
Five Romanians were beaten savagely in the raid, and two are in a serious condition.

The attack followed an incident on St Valentine's Day in which a 14-year-old girl was raped and her 16-year-old boyfriend beaten up in the park, which is used by courting couples.
Customarily, castration is a surgical procedure where the genitalia are removed by slicing with a scalpel. Chemical castration Italian-style, given the depth of their anger, could mean that the genitalia of un-anesthetized accused rapists are submerged in a strong, flesh-dissolving acid.

On the other hand, it might be castration by pill.


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