Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Michael Phelps - Gold Medal Doper

Yes, that's a picture of Olympic Gold Medalist Michael Phelps apparently smoking an illegal substance from a bong. The photo surfaced recently and has been distributed worldwide.

One might assume that Phelps and his sponsors would be concerned about the image and take action to minimize any negative repercussions.


Neither Phelps nor his multi-million dollar sponsors seem to think it's a big deal. There has been no flood of mea culpas from Phelps nor has he sought counseling nor has he planned an anti-drug speaking tour. He has essentially left the issue behind him, prepared to ignore any consequences.

Phelps' sponsors, Kellogg's, Subway, Speedo, Visa among others, also are ignoring the fact that an icon of America's youth is promoting drug use. According to sports endorsements insider, Bob Dorfman, "I think consumers and marketers will cut him some slack because it's 'only' marijuana ...."

Okay, but it's more than disturbing that one segment of society has figuratively been hit with a shovel. Regularly beseeched by government-sponsored anti-drug messages to "Talk to your kids," parents throughout America now have a much more difficult task in trying to keep their youngsters free from drugs.
son: "But, Dad, Michael Phelps does drugs and he won eight Gold Medals."

father: "Yes, son, he does and he did. I can't explain it but it's wrong. And you need to know it's wrong. So, don't do drugs."

son: "But Michael Phelps does drugs."

father: "Yes, he does but you need to worry about growing, your health, and your future."

son: "But Michael Phelps still gets paid a lot of money and he does drugs. It hasn't hurt him at all."

father: "Unfortunately, you're right. Doing drugs hasn't hurt Michael Phelps but it will hurt you."

son: "How?"

father: "You'll cry a river of tears when I whip your ass for doing drugs. I'm also hoping for a few sniffles when my carcass is hauled off to jail for child abuse."

son: "But nobody whipped Michael Phelps."

father: "Too bad. He needs it."
And, in my opinion, so do the corporate sponsors of Phelps. Their approval of marijuana use, though tacit, represents an across-the-board ditching of any ethical or moral responsibility. Most surprising is Kellogg's, a food company that is characteristically quite sensitive to health issues. For Kellogg's to continue to retain a smoker of illegal drugs as a spokesman negates any advertising messages expressing concern for its customers' well-being.

In summary, Michael Phelps has been outed as a doper and nobody cares except for millions of parents of America's young.

[Update] Another source indicates that Phelps has apologized to his fans and promised not to do it again. It's not clear whether he was referring to smoking illegal substances or being photographed smoking illegal substances.

[Update 2/6/09]

Kellogg drops Phelps.

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