Monday, April 27, 2009

Mayor Gavin Newsom Wants to be Governor

From Big Hollywood:
To the delight of California’s illegal aliens, socialists, unqualified minority job-seekers and militant bicyclers who blow up Hummer dealerships in the name of suffering polar bears, smarmy San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom announced on Tuesday he is running for governor in 2010.
Of course, Mayor Newsom will rely on his record of managing the affairs of San Francisco to support his campaign for Governor of California.
Newsom’s reign over San Francisco reflects the tradition of City Hall legends Kwame Kilpatrick, Marion “Bitch Set Me Up” Barry, John Street and Ray Nagin--combining bad judgment, bad policies, incompetence, arrogance and corruption in creative, new ways.

The city is in disarray: bankrupt; filthy; ubiquitously potholed and cracked; and festering with drugs, homeless and illegals. Its sanctuary-city status, touchy-feely approach to crime, and maniacal spending on social services have encouraged all matter of societal debris to migrate there in mass. When it doesn’t smell like over-ripe trash, it smells like stale urine.

Not really what Tony Bennett had in mind.
Given that California has great difficulty in electing competent politicians who actually serve the people, there is a chance that Gavin Newson will be the next governor, fully prepared to remake California in the image of San Francisco.

Much more at the link.

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