Monday, May 11, 2009

Snake in John Bites Man on Johnson

(Nantou County, Taiwan) A 51-year-old man sat down on the hopper and immediately felt a sharp, knife-like pain on his penis. According to the China Times, the man bolted upright and looked down to see a big snake.

Granted, it's fairly normal for some of us guys to look down and see a big snake but, in the Taiwanese man's case, it was a black and yellow rat snake and he had been bitten.

As a consequence, he was quickly taken to the Puli Christian Hospital.
"As soon as he has passed the risk of infection, he can go," the director, who declined to be named, said. "A snake's mouth isn't always clean."

Local television images showed the black and yellow reptile, reportedly a species of rat snake, being uncoiled and plucked slowly from the toilet bowl.
Reportedly, snakes in toilets are a regular hazard in Southeast Asian nations and surely, if they hang out in toilets, they have potty-mouths.

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