Okay, I'm beyond understanding this story. In a nutshell, a homosexual woman had a sex change to become a homosexual man. Let that sink in. I can barely understand the biological slicing and dicing, called a phalloplasty, to go from woman to man but how that would change a person's sexual orientation is a mystery.
The story starts with Katherine Dalton, a gorgeous blonde model who from an early age was attracted to girls. She believed she was a man trapped in a woman's hot babe-alicious body. As a result, she decided to consult a psychotherapist who referred her to a gender expert. The expert said she was a transsexual who should go through the arduous path to becoming a man. She changed her name to Adrian and started taking testosterone.

Katherine Dalton => Adrian Dalton
In 2005, Adrian had her/his 32C breasts removed. In 2007, Adrian had a hysterectomy. Six weeks ago, Adrian went to Belgium for an eight-hour phalloplasty where arm and thigh skin is removed and configured to form a facsimile of male genitalia. The configured skin is attached so that nerves from the clitoris grow into the manufactured penis to create sensation.
Adrian expresses joy about the operation.
“It’s brilliant. I hated that part of my body before and was embarrassed by it but now I feel complete.The erectile implant will include a chamber in the penis with an exterior pump and valve inserted into the groin which are used to fill the chamber for an erection.
“In a year I return to Belgium for an erectile implant, then my transformation will be complete.”
It could be contended that everything occurring to Dalton thus far makes sense with the glaring exception that he/she became a gay male. There's no explanation provided about how the transformation of sexual orientation occurs. Therefore, I'd suggest that Dalton is just as confused now as she/he was before meeting with the gender expert.
Tip: MassCops
Companion post at The Jawa Report.
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