Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Gassing Geese in the Garden State

Canada geese have been fouling property in New Jersey so it's time to launch a federal problem elimination program.
U.S. Department of Agriculture spokeswoman Carol Bannerman confirmed the "capture and removal program" is under way and will last about six weeks. The geese will be molting -- or shedding their feathers -- during the time and will be unable to fly.

She said local Canada geese will be corralled from 20 locations in nine counties. All are places where the landowner has complained and asked for the birds to be removed.

"We only go to areas where we've been asked to come and do the work," she said.

A similar program is under way in New York City, which plans to trap and gas as many as 2,000 Canada geese over the next few weeks in an attempt to avoid the type of collision that caused an airliner to ditch in the Hudson River in January.
In addition to capturing and gassing the birds, geese eggs are coated with oil to keep them from hatching. The federal government is conducting the operation with permission from the New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife.

It's unclear why the federal government is responsible for solving New Jersey's problem. It's also not clear why there has been no over-the-top outrage expressed by animal rights activists.

I suggest a simpler solution would be to extend the hunting season and increase the bag limit for Canada geese.

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