Friday, July 17, 2009

Must not put up posters urging people how to vote?

"Proposition 8" forbad homosexual "marriage". If you are allowed to argue for only one side in a democratic election, there's not much democracy about it and certainly no free speech. But that's what happened at Stanford. But Leftists often tear down GOP posters before Federal elections so I don't suppose we should be surprised. I myself have had conservative stickers torn off my car.
"When a group of students put up “Yes on Prop. 8” flyers in my dorm this past year, there was soon a debate about them on the chat list and they vanished after a day or two. The “Yes on Prop. 8” campaigners’ speech was cut short–perhaps a violation of their speech rights–but students who found the flyers hateful, especially gay students who felt that they amounted to an attack on their identity, were also spared having to suffer such speech while brushing their teeth in the bathroom or walking down the halls of their home....

The arguments on both sides are powerful, perhaps some explanation for why the debate continues and reasonable people disagree. But when judged in the context of a university setting, the European arguments for restriction outweigh the American arguments against. Students are in their formative years. They are more easily intimidated and vilifications of them based on characteristics unrelated to their ideas can cause tremendous anguish and impede their ability to engage and develop. They too need to learn to develop a thick skin and be ready for the real world, where a government will not always come to the rescue....


The author above does not seem to be able to make up her mind. She says students need to develop a thicker skin but also says that the poor darlings are too fragile to be exposed to speech which might help develop that.

Posted by John Ray.

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