Thursday, July 16, 2009


Well! What Sonia Sotomayor said in answers to Senator Kyl during her confirmation hearing could not be better from a conservative and constitutional point of view. She rejected "empathy" as a factor in verdicts and said that judges just apply the written law before them rather than making it all up as they go along. Refreshing! Taranto has the relevant excerpts. So she can talk the talk but will she walk the walk?

I note that elsewhere in his postings, Taranto pisses all over the idea that Obama is not qualified to be President by virtue of his having been born in Kenya -- with his birth only registered in Hawaii, as Hawaiian law allowed. Taranto is not alone in his views. Many other conservatives say likewise. I think that the reason for avoiding the question is that discovery of Obama's ineligibility would be enormously disruptive. It would invalidate his election and everything he has done since. The outcome could well be not dissimilar to what has just happened in Honduras and America needs peace at home more than it needs Joe Biden as President.

If we were judging Obama's behaviour in the way court cases are judged, however, his constant battles to prevent production of his full birth certificate would be circumstantial evidence that he is guilty as charged. Reliapundit has some pertinent comments on the matter too. Also see my lead comment yesterday

Posted by John Ray.

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