Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fact-Checking Obama

This week, President Obama disparaged the blogosphere during an interview with the Toledo Blade on the basis that there is "no serious fact-checking." Contrary to his assertion, Maggie Thurber did some fact-checking and found inaccuracies within the following BO statement.
"When I came into office, we were losing 700,000 jobs per month. Credit was frozen so that small businesses and large businesses alike couldn't borrow. You couldn't get an auto loan even if you had good credit. People were losing their homes at an extraordinary pace." [emphasis added]
According to Maggie's documented research, both of the high-lighted contentions are wrong. It's subjective as to whether the President misspoke, lied or was simply exaggerating.

In any event, Mr. President, your facts were checked and definitely determined to be "your facts" since they cannot be verified by reputable sources -- one of which is the blogosphere.

More at the link.

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