Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dems Get Coat-Hangers from Abortion Activists

(San Francisco, California) The pro-abortion Credo Mobile organization is miffed at the 20 Democrats who supported the Stupak Amendment abortion ban in the recently-passed health care bill. A campaign has been launched to send coat-hangers to the 20 representatives.
An email blast sent Friday -- and signed by CREDO Mobile CEO Laura Scher, President Michael Kieschnick and political director Becky Bond -- says: "Sign our petition and we'll send a coat hanger to the 20 formerly pro-choice Democrats who voted to take away women's rights.

If the Stupak amendment is allowed to stand, it would ban private insurers who participate in the insurance exchange created by the health care bill from covering abortion as a part of women's reproductive health care. Tens of millions of women would be affected."

"These 20 formerly pro-choice Democrats need to hear that it is NOT ok to throw women under the bus when it comes to passing health care."
Reportedly, the Credo group has pulled the same stunt in the past, sending coat-hangers to the Senate and to President George H.W. Bush.

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