Saturday, November 07, 2009

Same-Sex Ballroom Dancing

(San Francisco, California) Dance studios in the Bay Area are responding to requests from same-sex couples for lessons in ballroom dancing but only partly as a political statement for the gay and lesbian community. Dancers are practicing for "California Dreaming," one of the largest same-sex competitions in America.

As one student opines:
"Same-sex dancing has increased our visibility and I think as much as we become more visible, the mainstream culture gets more exposed to same gender love, and hopefully that will contribute to people changing attitudes."
Unfortunately, the governing body for ballroom dance competitions, USA Dance, doesn't allow homosexual couples so they have formed their own national association.
Men compete against men, women against women. The rules are a little different. Instead of male and female parts, there is the leader and the follower. Also, the lead can change back and forth.
Event organizer Jeff Chandler says, "It's becoming so popular it feels like it's the future of ballroom dancing."

The future, eh?

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