Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hunting Endangered Birds

(Karachi, Pakistan) Not a single peep of protest has been heard.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has given permission to 27 dignitaries of the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia to set up hunting camps in 63 districts of all four provinces and hunt the protected and endangered bird, the houbara bustard.

Last month, 10 licences were issued to Arab princes and sheikhs allowing them to bring 470 falcons into the country to hunt the endangered bird.

Houbara bustard is a migratory bird and faces extinction threat. It flies to Pakistan in winter from former Soviet territories.
Ironically, it's believed to taste like chicken.

Houbara Bustard

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Pakistan official, "Personally I think houbara bustard is not endangered and it does not come under the IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals.” Reportedly, he could not be more wrong.

In any event, where's PETA?

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