Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Regarding Obama's Speech and Wrestling

My thoughts on Obama's stated end date for U.S. involvement in Afghanistan.

If I were one of a tag team in which my partner, the biggest and strongest wrestler, said he was leaving a match against a formidable opponent at 5PM to be home for dinner or to check in with his parole officer, I'd make damn sure that my plans were to leave at 5PM or before.

Despite the reason my teammate was leaving, I'd be gone with him or before him. There's no way that I would stick around to get my ass kicked.

My reasoning, however, must be flawed since the President of the United States doesn't recognize it and I've heard that he is one of the smartest people in the world.

Nevertheless, I can't imagine that America's allies in NATO will make plans to stick around after the music stops and Elvis has left the building.

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