Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Aussie KFC Ad Called Racist

Racist or not? You make the call.

From Ninemsn:
A KFC advertisement that shows an Australian cricket supporter giving fried chicken to West Indies fans has caused outrage in the US, where it has been interpreted as racist.

In the ad, part of KFC's "Cricket Survival Guide" series, Mick the Australian is surrounded by dancing West Indies fans, and says: "Need a tip when you're stuck in an awkward situation?"

He then hands out a bucket of KFC to the crowd — an action which has been seen as supporting a long-standing US stereotype that African Americans eat fried chicken.

A statement from KFC Australia this morning confirmed the company was aware the ad had been "misinterpreted by a segment of people in the US". [...]

Dr Brendon O'Connor, an associate professor at the University of Sydney, said reaction to the ad reflected the "insularity" of the American people.

"They have a tendency to think that their history is more important than that of other countries," he told ninemsn.

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