Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Colorado Teacher Gets Jail for Liquoring Up Boys

(Fort Collins, Colorado) A 30-year-old physical education teacher formerly at Poudre High School, Amber Huber, has pleaded guilty to liquoring up two male students last spring.
According to an arrest affidavit obtained by the Coloradoan, Huber admitted she provided two 17-year-old male students with alcohol in April.

The affidavit indicates Huber drove the boys to Horsetooth Reservoir on a Friday night to drink a bottle of Patron tequila and then took the boys to a McDonalds before returning them to their car at about 1:30 a.m.
Interestingly, cell phone communications from Huber to one boy are telling.
In other messages sent to one of the boys two days after the drinking incident Huber said, "I can't. I talked to (the other boy) about it yesterday. I can't chill with u guys anymore. We can all only be friends and that is it. It creates a tempting situation when we chill so we probably shouldn't chill anymore."

In a second message sent the same day, Huber said, "Just the fact that I am married and we can't be putting ourselves in tempting situations. Obviously drinking alcohol and chillin together is not the smartest decision. I can't be lying to my husband cause if I keep doing what I am doing then my marriage is going to be over. I just need to play it safe. Make sense?"
For felony contributing to the delinquency of a minor, Huber was sentenced to 30 days in jail.

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