Monday, February 01, 2010

I Won the Nobel Prize, It's a Joke

Arguably somewhat eccentric, Lord Christopher Monckton made a public appearance last week before a large crowd in Sydney, Australia. Subsequently, he was a guest on the Alan Jones radio program. Here's a telling exchange:
Monckton: I found out on the day of publication of the 2007 [UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report] that they'd multiplied, by 10, the observed contribution to sea-level rise of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheet. By 10! I got in touch with them and said, 'You will correct this.' And two days later, furtively, on the website, no publicity, they simply relabelled, recalculated and corrected the table they'd got wrong.

Alan Jones: But this report won a Nobel Prize!

Monckton: Yes. Exactly. And I am also a Nobel Prize winner because I made a correction. I'm part of the process that got the Nobel Prize. Do I deserve it? No. Do they deserve it? No. The thing is a joke.
I suggest that rational individuals would likely agree.

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