Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Dear Mr. Koppel

In an interview this week, Mr. Koppel, you remarked that the news industry is in a disastrous state. And then you said this:
"I think we're living through the — I hope — the final stages of what I like to call the age of entitlement...We now feel entitled not to have the news that we need but the news that we want. We want to listen to news that comes from those who already sympathize with our particular point of view. We don't want the facts any more."
Well, Mr. Koppel, please tell me who should determine what I need? Cannot I, as an American, feel entitled to make my own choices regarding my needs?

Also, in your probing of my brain and assessment of my wants and desires, just where did you detect the inclination to be intentionally ignorant of facts? Although you may have determined that I don't need to know nor want to know, I do.

A response in Comments would be appreciated. Thanks for your time.

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