Sunday, April 18, 2010

German Green Party Announces Anti-Macho Manifesto

(Bonn, Germany) At the Green Party National Women's Congress this weekend in Bonn, the party leadership announced an anti-macho manifesto to achieve gender justice among all Greens. The new and stronger gender message is now proclaimed to be: "We no longer need to be macho!" along with "equality and male feminism."
The signatories include several Green politicians from the European parliament, the German Bundestag as well as local Green leaders. "We no longer want to be macho," it declares, "we want to be people. You are not born a man, you are turned into one."

The men's manifesto makes two main points. First, men need to break out of their traditional gender roles. "We need a new awareness of a new masculinity," write its co-authors Sven Lehmann and Jan Philipp Albrecht. Second, they argue that their fellow men need to realize that real equality will not happen without their participation.

"We want to live differently!" writes Lehmann, a senior member of the North Rhine-Westphalia branch of the party, and the European parliamentarian Albrecht. They appeal for a slower pace of life, less focus on profit and more health consciousness. They want to start holding "Boys' Days and gender-sensitive career-guidance sessions."
Interestingly, while announcing a formal edict regarding suppression of testosterone in the male population, the German Greens also recently announced an LGBT Manifesto which formally declares that all people are to be treated equally and fairly. Maybe it's just me, but in the fairness and equality arena, it seems that male heterosexuals lose.

Oddly, the Green Party was created to support environmental issues and now it seems to have developed a utopian agenda envisioning a world with only women, girly men and homosexuals. Lost during the transition is what, if anything, the matriarchal Shangri-La has to do with the environment.

In any event, I question the motivation for the anti-macho manifesto. Just guessing, my answer would be that some feminine-types need a formal policy and political party authorization for wide-spread demonization of men with balls.

Companion post at The Jawa Report.

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