Thursday, April 01, 2010


I've made a few changes to Interested-Participant and I hope they will be positive.

First, long-term visitors may notice the absence of a monthly Women With Troubles compilation post for March 2010. I initially commenced with chronicling and compiling female teacher stories five years ago when I surmised the problems were more widespread than generally known and there was a need to give the issue greater visibility.

At the time of the March 2005 Women With Boys effort, I was convinced that no other website had undertaken such an endeavor so I felt compelled to do something to raise awareness. Ultimately, I started compiling monthly entries into single posts in mid-2006 and continued through to February 2010.

Unless I change my mind, the monthly compilation posts are history. One reason is that the original intent of raising awareness of female offenders has been largely achieved. I personally played a part with my coverage but the blogosphere, as a whole, deserves credit. There now are literally dozens of non-governmental websites that track sex offenders of every persuasion.

Second, for the time being I intend to continue my reporting of female offenders as I gather empirical data regarding their treatment by the courts. My preliminary assessment based on observation is that courts are exceedingly reluctant to punish women in a manner similar to men. Time and again, I've noticed adult females convicted of offenses against preteens and get away with a wrist slap while adult males convicted of essentially identical offenses would be sent to prison for many years. The project to collect data is ongoing.

Third, later today there will be a small ceremony to celebrate the beginning of my eighth year as a blogger. I confess that in April 2003 I couldn't spell html and surely wouldn't have imagined I would still be doing it now. The ceremony and celebration will be held on a stretch of Lake Erie beach where I will throw seven hands full of sand into the water while I try to sing along with Louis Armstrong.

You're all invited. It's BYOB.

Fourth, I'm looking for new content, one or two additional contributors for Interested-Participant. Send me an email if you're interested.

Lastly, I have added a donate button to the top of the navigation column for the saintly souls who tip the waitress/bartender/piano man whether times are good or times are bad.

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