Tuesday, June 01, 2010


(UK) According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, computer keyboards can harbor more harmful bacteria than a toilet seat and are the cause of a condition called "qwerty tummy."
During their research they conducted tests on equipment in its own London offices.

One keyboard was so dirty that a microbiologist ordered it to be removed, quarantined and cleaned. It had 150 times the acceptable limit for bacteria and was five times as filthy as a typical lavatory seat. […]

The scientist swabbed 33 keyboards for food poisoning bugs e.coli, coliforms, staphylococcus aureus and enterobacteria and compared the results to those found on a lavatory seat and lavatory door handle.

Four of the keyboards were considered a potential health hazard and one was 'condemned'.

Two had 'warning levels' of staphylococcus aureus and two others had 'worryingly elevated' levels of coliforms and enterobacteria, 'putting users at high risk of becoming ill from contact'.

The expert said the findings were typical of offices all over Britain.
In fact, mouse droppings have been found on office keyboards as evidence that the little critters spend considerable time scavenging food particles left between the keys by people who eat in front of a monitor.

Whether a person snacks at the desk or not, the Royal Society recommends that keyboards be cleaned regularly and that keyboarding hands be thoroughly washed before handling food.

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