Wednesday, June 23, 2010

SecLabor Pushes Min Wage for Illegals

(Washington) Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis is pleading for illegals to complain if they don't think they are being paid the money they have earned. Sec Solis has distributed a telephone number for the illegals to call.

Frankly, I think this effort is more "Critical Theory" machinations where the entire dialogue regarding a subject is drowned out by incessant complaining. The theory is that if one complains long and hard enough, at least some progress will be made toward an ideological goal.

In any event, complaints by illegal aliens regarding pay scales will likely prompt another group of low-wage earners to pitch a bitch -- America's prison population. Last I noticed, the average wage paid to an incarcerated individual in a U.S. prison is less than 20 cents per hour.

Now, it seems to me that a person in prison for committing illegal acts should not be paid more nor less than a person who has avoided prison after committing illegal acts.

Therefore, it would seem prudent for employers to immediately start paying all illegals at the 15 or 20 cents per hour rate received by prisoners in the U.S. penitentiary systems. It is totally unfair for illegal alien border-crossers to be denied the benefits of incarceration.

Companion post at The Jawa Report.

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